Coordination Council

In order to coordinate the work on Global Development Agenda implementation ‘Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’ the Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development Goals was created on August 15, 2018 on behalf of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Council) under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  
The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the coordinating body of the Council. The Secretariat of the Institute is the Economic Research Institute which provides expert and analytical support

The main tasks of the Council are:

- consideration and development of proposals for the formation of SDGs implementation single policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- coordination of the interdepartmental working groups activities in the areas of the SDGs;
- consideration and development of proposals for the SDGs implementation;
- participation in the formation of the National Voluntary Survey of Kazakhstan on the SDGs.

To effectivel.organize the Council activities working groups were created in five key areas:

• People Working Group: eliminating poverty, gender equality, ensuring a healthy life, education (representative from the Secretariat: Karimov E., e-mail:;

Planet Working Group: rational use of terrestrial and water ecosystems, climate change (representative from the Secretariat: Okusheva A., e-mail: а;

• Prosperity Working Group: inclusive growth and economic transformation (representative from the Secretariat: Utebaeva A., e-mail:;

• Peace Working Group: safe and peaceful society, strong institutions, justice (representative from the Secretariat: Gafyattullina D., e-mail:; Abuov A., e-mail:;

• Partnership working group: global partnership for sustainable development, resource mobilization, technology, capacity building, trade (representative from the Secretariat: Nurzhanova M., e-mail: 
m.nurzhanova@eri.kzGafyattullina D., e-mail: 

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