About NCP

Kazakhstan's National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct

National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct (NCP) is a voluntary, non–judicial mechanism for reviewing complaints from the public/society about the actions or omissions of enterprises that violate the principles of responsible business conduct in accordance with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct.

The NCP provides a platform for constructive dialogue between the parties to discuss issues, work out solutions and ways to reach a mutual agreement.

Any person.organization or community (stakeholders) who believe that the actions or activities of an enterprise do not comply with the OECD Guidelines can apply to the NCP of the relevant country.

The Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 1453 dated November 16, 2012 (as amended by Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 667 on September 9, 2019) assigns the responsibility for conducting activities of the NCP to the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Economic Research Institute was determined as a Secretariat of the NCP.

The main tasks of the NCP

1) Consideration of requests and appeals related to alleged violations of the OECD Guidelines.

2) engaging with stakeholders (business community, trade unions, other civil society representatives, and government agencies) during the case-handling process to reach an impartial decision.

3) issuing decisions based on the case-handling process regarding violations of the OECD Guidelines, and providing recommendations on responsible business conduct;

4) cooperation and interaction with NCPs of other countries, particularly during the case-handling process;

5) raising awareness of the public and the business community about the OECD Guidelines, the activities of the NCP and standards for responsible business conduct (via the media, seminars, and round tables);

6) monitoring the implementation of decisions and recommendations of the NCP in relation to responsible business conduct;

7) monitoring the implementation of decisions made based on the results of case-handling process by multinational enterprises;

8) providing recommendations and support to the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development, implementation and policy consistency aimed at encouraging responsible business activities, including coordination with relevant government agencies;

9) issuing any other decisions required for the operation of the NCP.

On some issues of the functioning of the National Contact Point for Responsible Business Conduct
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Roadmap to promote and publicise the NCP
Size: 121.09 КБ

Information booklet about NCC in English
Size: 3.20 МБ

Recommendation of the Role Government on RBC
Size: 1.04 МБ

Size: 1015.82 КБ

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