SDGs in Kazakhstan - what problems need to be solved in the regions


Deputy Chairman of the Economic Research Institute's Board, Shaharbanu Zhakupova spoke about the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in our country, Kazinform correspondent reports.

“The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals are being nationalized in every country.  Within these goals there are certain tasks, specific target indicators.  Much of this is already in Kazakhstan in the system of state strategic planning, in program documents, strategic plans of state bodies, regional development programs” - Shaharbanu Zhakupova said before discussing the SDGs by participation of representatives of the Ministry of National Economy, the Economic Research Institute and UNDP international experts in Kazakhstan.

At the same time, according to her, there are certain directions of development that have not yet been reflected in the system of state planning, or have not been discussed at all in expert communities, in particular in the regions.

“As part of the platform for the nationalization of SDGs (this is a joint project with UNDP and ADB), we held seminars in the format of a business game in 17 regions of Kazakhstan.  Each region has its own problems, but there are common characteristic problems for all regions” - the speaker added.

Sh. Zhakupova listed the problems that are typical for each Kazakhstani region.

“These are environmental issues, quality education, quality healthcare services, medicines supply, decent employment, job creation in high-performing sectors, the need for innovation. This is what we have designated. But if we take into account the profile of each region, their specific problems, of course, differ” the expert concluded.

Views: 2982
Saved: 25.08.2020

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