Completion of the Project
On December 14, 2020, the final meeting of Project Management
Committee "Partnership for Building National Sustainable Development
Goals Platform" (hereinafter - Project) was held, which was implemented
for the period from January 2019 to December 2020. The meeting was
attended by partners: Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan, UN
Development Programme in Kazakhstan (hereinafter - UNDP), Asian
Development Bank (hereinafter - ADB), Bureau of National Statistics and
Economic Research Institute JSC (hereinafter - Institute). Meeting
was opened by Director of the Department of Social Policy and
Development of State Bodies of the MNE RK Nurgul Zhannazarova and Deputy
Permanent Representative of UNDP in Kazakhstan Vitaliy Vremish. NurgulZhannazarova
thanked UNDP and ADB for provision of system support in implementing
the Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (hereinafter - SDGs) in
Kazakhstan. She also noted that thanks to the financial and technical
support of UNDP and ADB, the Project formed foundation for National SDG
Platform. In her opinion, implementation of the Project was successful,
this work included not only promotion of principles of the SDGs and
raising awareness among the population, but also was aimed at finding
the most effective approaches to implementation of the SDGs strategic
and policy documents. "Among the important results achieved in the framework of this Project, it is important to note: •
Work on the first Voluntary National Review of the Republic of
Kazakhstan (hereinafter - VNR), which was successfully presented at the
high-level Political Forum in New York, in July 2019; •
Development of recommendations and proposals for integration of SDG
objectives, targets and indicators into strategic and program documents;
conduct a "Mission 2030" business game in 14 regions and 3 cities of
national significance, which resulted in identification of priority SDG
tasks, as well as current problems, competitive advantages and
disadvantages that affect implementation of the SDGs; • The First Sustainable Development Forum on the AEF, in May 2019, and the First Regional SDG Summit dedicated to raising funds for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in November 2019. In
general, it should be noted that implementation of the Project was
successful. All the tasks have been focused on complementing or
enhancing the effect of measures taken by the Government on
implementation of the SDGs" - said the Head of the Departmentof MNE RKin her speech. Vitaliy
Vremish in his turn, noted the importance of partnerships and
achievements of the Project. Deputy Permanent Representative of UNDP in
Kazakhstan also drew attention to approaches to ensure sustainability of
the results achieved - the Project focuses on strengthening capacity of
national partners. UNDP Project Manager Aigerim Yegemberdiyeva presented main results of the Project on the following main components: - Implementation of technical support in process of nationalization and localization of SDGs in the RK; - Strengthening capacity of the Bureau of National Statistics to monitor the SDGs; - Establishing a dialogue on SDG financing. She noted that all the targets were met and the following results were achieved:
important result of the Project is a development of digital version of
the "Mission-2030" business game. At the meeting, the UNDP project
expert together with developer of digital version of the "Mission 2030"
presented the final version of digital game. Participants
of the meeting also shared their views on the Project. Deputy Chairman
of the Board of the Institute Shakharbanu Zhakupova, Head of the SDG
Statistics Department of the Bureau of National Statistics Ainur
Dosanova and Director of the SDG Secretariat of the Institute Bakytgul
Khambar thanked UNDP and ADB for their high-quality joint work.
Successful defense of the VNR, support provided in the framework of
organization of trainings with the use of the "Mission 2030" game were
highlighted as well. Genadiy Rau,
economic affairs specialist at the Asian Development Bank, stressed that
despite the fact that the share of ADB financing in the Project was
slightly less than 50%, a lot of good results were achieved. He also
expressed ADB's readiness to further support national partners and UNDP
in implementation of the SDGs in Kazakhstan, namely, in terms of
nationalization of the SDGs. According to Mr. Rau, the ADB has launched a
new technical assistance for experience and knowledge exchange this
year and is ready to support new interesting initiatives. Irina Goryunova, Adviser to the UNDP Permanent Representative, summed up the meeting and noted the lessons learned. For reference: Project main goal is to create a national platform for all stakeholders to nationalize, implement and monitor the Sustainable Development Goals. With
the support of UNDP and IDB in 2019, the Institute conducted a study on
"Partnership for Building National Sustainable Development Goals
Platform", in which prepared the Voluntary National Review of the RK, in
conjunction with all stakeholders, Rapid Integrated Assessment of
strategic and program documents of the RK, revealed problems the 17
regions of Kazakhstan through seminars and "Mission 2030" business game,
as well as developed recommendations for integration of SDG targets and
indicators at the local level.
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