Training for government officials
On April 22-23, an online training on Rapid Comprehensive Assessment of Kazakhstan's budget and strategic plans for compliance with the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda was held for employees of central government agencies. The training was jointl.organized by the Ministry of National Economy, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Sustainable Development Goals Secretariat of the Institute for Economic Research JSC. Experts of the Istanbul regional hub of the UNDP – Suren Poghosyan and Elena Danilova-Cross explained the methodology of RCA for specialists of budget policy departments of line ministries, specialists of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the methodology of forming budget programs, as well as other interested participants. The first day of the training was devoted to the theoretical foundations of RCA. In general, the formation of approaches to budgeting (marking the budget) of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is based on 5 questions: 1. why does the country need SDG budgeting and who will be the main beneficiary of these reforms? 2. who will be responsible for the SDG budgeting work? 3. what will the SDG labeling cover? 4. at what stage in the budget cycle will the SDG information be used? 5. How can SDG budgeting / labeling be integrated into the business processes of public finance management? On the second day of the training, a practical lesson was held on bringing the unified budget classification of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the SDG goals in three areas: (1) health, (2) education, (3) women and children. SDG budgeting allows you to structure and efficiently allocate funds based on the logic of goals. The RCA offers clear steps and tools to assess the means to achieve the SDGs, taking into account the country context. Today, many countries have implemented SDG budgeting, but there is no single implementation mechanism. Conventionally, this process can be classified into five types: 1. Marking the budget at the level of the Sustainable Development Goals (Nepal); 2. marking the budget with the development of a new form of budget applications, but with limited coverage of ministries (Mongolia), 3. marking the budget with the development of a new form of budget applications, with full coverage of all ministries, but a superficial analysis (Armenia), 4. Marking the budget with the implementation of the SDG classifier in the Chart of Accounts (Ghana), 5. marking the budget by linking it to program-specific budgeting (Mexico). An interactive survey of the participants of the online training showed that the integration of the SDG labeling into the Kazakhstan public finance management system is advisable to be carried out by linking it to program-targeted budgeting and covering all the goals and objectives of sustainable development. At the same time, according to Suren Poghosyan, results-based budgeting, which has been operating in Kazakhstan for a number of years, provides an advantage and a good starting position for the implementation of SDG budgeting. The participants of the training showed a high interest in the construction of SDG budgeting, which is very important in the light of the reform of the system of state planning documents. The event is the first in a chain of training sessions for government agencies on SDG budgeting.
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