The Action Plan for the KCHI implementation
The Action Plan for the Kazakhstan Childhood Happiness Index (KIDS) implementation was signed on April 1, 2021. This document is a strategy of trilateral cooperation between the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan, the United Nations Children's Fund and the Economic Research Institute in the field of child welfare. President Kassym - Zhomart Tokayev paid special attention to the issue of protecting children rights in his message to the people of Kazakhstan ‘Kazakhstan in a new reality: time for action’ dated September 1, 2020. In particular, it was instructed to accede to the Convention on the Rights of the Child optional protocol. At a meeting of the National Council of Public Trust, the head of state proposed to develop and implement a national monitoring mechanism - the Child Welfare Index in Kazakhstan from 2022. What determines the well-being of children? According to the main directions for assessing the well-being of children in individual countries of the world, indicators of children's happiness are: • Physical and psychological health of the child • Material well-being of the family (quality of life) • Education • Security • Housing and living environment • Relationship with society • Environment • Access to gaming activities, leisure To analyze the well-being of children in Kazakhstan, it is proposed to use the 2020 UNICEF Methodology. The proposed evaluation criteria are the following categories: • mental health: life satisfaction; • skills • physical health • child's actions • relationship of the child's friends / peers; school; family. • interaction between the child and the parents: • resources for the child: school; living environment • state policy: education; healthcare. • situation in the country: economy; society; ecology. Each of the presented categories contains from 5 to 14 indicators, which the Economic Research Institute has begun to study. The document was signed by the Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights, Yessengazy Imangaliev (the Education and Science Ministry), UNICEF Representative in Kazakhstan Arthur van Diesen, Board Chairman of the Economic Research Institute, Ruslan Sultanov. Ruslan Sultanov noted in his speech, that Institute have already begun work on a comprehensive analysis of the children situation in Kazakhstan with an emphasis on key aspects of well-being, including assessing health, education, monetary poverty, and other indicators. Financial resources are given special attention in the process of improving child welfare indicators. In this regard, with the support of the Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights of the Ministry of Education and Science, internationa.organizations UNDP and UNICEF, the Institute is working to develop a tool for targeted spending of the state budget in the interests of children. The Institute presents the Kazakhstani Childhood Happiness Index (KIDS). Yerlan Karimov, Deputy Director of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development Goals of the Institute, presented the main approaches to the development of the Index. The Index adapted for Kazakhstan will make it possible to carry out a comparative analysis between different regions of the country, to deepen the understanding of children’s well-being and to reveal interregional disparities in the of state support for childhood. The index will determine how well the country's children are in general and in certain areas. The index will provide an opportunity to track the effectiveness of national policies in different areas by regions. The most relevant indicators will be selected to calculate the Index for the country. The index will consist of objective and subjective data, the source of which are the official statistics of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the results of population survey.
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