XIII KCHI Regular meeting
On May the 20th, 2021 XIII regular meeting has been held to discuss the draft Methodology for assessing the Kazakhstan Child Well-being Index. This large-scale discussion has started on May, the 11th.
Over 700 people from the local executive institutions, central state institutions, the Public Council of the Ministry of Science and Education of Kazakhstan on the issues of education, science and children’s rights protection, the National Academy of Education (after Y. Altynsarin), the Autonomous educationa.organization “Nazarbaev Intellectual School”, the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs “Atameken”, The Republican educational and physical health center “Baldauren”, The Republican Association of private educatio.organisations, JSC Financial Center, Information and Analytical Center, National Applied Science Center of Development of Special and Inclusive Education, National Center of Qualification Improvement and other entities.
The discussion took place online on the ZOOM platform. Some of the most active participants of the meeting include: Margarita Uskembaeva (the President of the open fund “Institute of the equal rights and opportunities of Kazakhstan”), Zhanna Mendybaeva (director of the education technologies bureau UniverSity), Zhanar Adylova (director of the Kazakh-American university), Lyazzat Zhusupova (head of the “House of mothers” project), Gulnara Abisheva (President of the Kazakhstani League of experts in education), Sholpan Zhunisova (the head of the Department of Education of Kyzylorda region) and others.
Gulnara Abisheva raised the issues of monetary poverty of children, safety of the living environment, child nutrition, parent work issues and other important questions. Lyazzat Zhusupova payed attention to the problems of inclusive education, quality of education in the rural areas, teacher workload, access to Internet in villages and so on.
Index is developed not just for purpose of the investigation, but also as a way of grabbing attention of society and politicians to the children and family problems than need an urgent assistance from the government and society.
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