UN Historical Summit 2015


In September 2015, at the historic UN Summit, the Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) until 2030 was adopted.  The SDGs consist of 17 goals aimed at eradicating poverty, conserving planetary resources, and combating inequality and climate change.  Each goal contains a number of goals and indicators that must be achieved within 15 years.

Their implementation requires the integrated efforts of governments, civil society and business.

In Kazakhstan, work on the implementation of the SDGs has been ongoing since 2015.  In 2018, the Institute of Economic Research JSC was determined as the Secretariat for the implementation of the SDGs in Kazakhstan.

Together with the MNE RK, PRONN and other intereste.organizations, the Institute is doing a great job of raising public awareness, prioritizing and implementing the SDGs in Kazakhstan.

So, work is currently being completed on a specialized project site.  Soon, on the site, you will be able to learn more about each of the goals and objectives of the SDGs, as well as be up to date with the latest news on the progress of the project.

Views: 2917
Saved: 25.08.2020

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