International Forum of Young Scientists
The SDGs Secretariat will participate in International Forum of Young Scientists This event will feature 200 speakers and spokespersons from 14 countries Bakytgul Khambar, Director of the Secretariat for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Economic Research Institute (ERI) JSC, will take part in the I International Forum of Young Scientists "Intellectual Potential of Independent Kazakhstan: 30 years of Formation and Development". The event will be held from September 8 to 10, 2021 in Almaty. Organizer: The Council for Science under Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation with the support of the National Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The goal of the Forum is to bring together scientists, politicians, industry leaders, representatives of civil society and the media to discuss topical issues of domestic science development. Participants: 200 speakers and spokespersons from 14 countries- Kazakhstan, Belarus, Great Britain, Germany, Canada, China, Latvia, Portugal, Russia, USA, Tajikistan, Turkey, Ukraine, and France. Bakytgul Khambar will take part in the Round Table "Sustainable Development in Modern Kazakhstan Science". The agenda of discussion will include consideration of such issues as: r Results of the first five years after the adoption of the SDGs in Kazakhstan and guidelines for the next 5 years, country's efforts in implementing SDG 4 in achieving quality education, and assessment of Kazakhstan's progress in achievement of the SDGs by internationa.organizations, etc. The Plenary Session "Interaction of the State, Science and Business — Key Factor of Innovative Development of the Country" will be the key event of the Forum which will be attended by representatives of state bodies, Academies of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighboring countries, business representatives. Young scientists will present their ideas at the exhibition of scientific projects, as well as make initiatives and proposals for the development of the industry at scientific sessions "Green World" and "Personality and Society".
Students and undergraduates who are just taking their first steps in science will have opportunity to participate in the first republican entrepreneurial dictation, "Science Slam - Kazakhstan" Intellectual Competition and "Youth Start UP" Innovative Business Projects Competition. You can participate in the event for free by registering on The Science Forum will be held in a hybrid format: offline - at the Representative Office of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation in Almaty in compliance with all sanitary standards and online - with live broadcast on The opening of the Science Forum will take place on September 8, 2021 at 12:00 pm, Nur-Sultan time. See detailed program on the event's website
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