V North and Central Asia Multilateral Forum


The Fifth North and Central Asia Multilateral Forum on SDG implementation

The Director of the SDG Secretariat shared the practice and plans of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the preparation of the second voluntary national review.

The Fifth North and Central Asia Multilateral Forum on the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals is being held on October 5-7.

The sub-regional forum takes place in the format of a virtual meeting and consists of nine conceptual sessions.

Bakytgul Khambar, Director of the SDG Secretariat of Economic Research Institute JSC, within the framework of the session “Strengthening the Second Generation Voluntary National Reviews” session, shared the practice and plans of Kazakhstan for the preparation of the second Voluntary National Review (VNR).

The first day of the forum, in addition to discussing the process of preparing the VNR, was devoted to the issues of the upcoming High-level Political Forum 2022. Due to the fact that current trends demonstrate a slow economic recovery, the speakers also discussed cooperation measures that can help the NCA subregion in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic and achieving the SDGs.

During the second eventthe participants reviewed the current state and trends in the NCA countries on implementation:

  • SDG 4 - "Quality Education" followed by detailed discussions on preschool education and equal access to knowledge, with an emphasis on digital learning, inclusivity and teacher training;
  • SDG 5 - "Gender equality" followed by discussions on socio-economic aspects of gender equality and women's empowerment;
  • SDG 14 and 15 ("Conservation of marine ecosystems" and "Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems"in the NCA countries, discussion of challenges in the field of biodiversity and ecosystem restoration in the context of climate change. 

The final day of the Sub-Regional Forum touches on two key issues - financing of the SDGs and partnership for sustainable development.

Th.organizers of the event note that the role of the capital market and innovative financial instruments in achieving the SDGs is high. Cross-border partnership and knowledge sharing between the NCA countries will provide an opportunity for all interested parties to discuss possible ways of cooperation to mobilize joint action in the implementation of the SDGs. 

The conclusions and recommendations of the fifth NCA Multilateral Forum on the Implementation of the SDGs will be used in the work of the Ninth Asia-Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development and the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2022. 

The Sub-regional Forum on the SDGs is attended by representatives of state institutions of the countries of North and Central Asia (NCA) responsible for various aspects of the implementation of the SDGs, representatives of business, NGOs, experts from academia and representatives of UN agencies, regional and sub-regiona.organizations supporting the implementation of the SDGs.

Representatives of state bodies, NGOs, NCE Atameken and experts of Economic Research Institute JSC participate in the event from Kazakhstan.


On September 25, 2015, world leaders, including Heads of State and Government, adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda at the UN Headquarters in New York, which includes a list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals aimed at eliminating poverty, combating inequality and injustice, and addressing climate change.

Kazakhstan, as a country that has committed itself to the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals, is actively working in all directions and is ready to contribute to successful achievement of global goals. 

The Coordination Council for Sustainable Development Goals, chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was established on the instructions of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 15, 2018. The Ministry of National Economy is the coordinating body of the Council's work. Economic Research Institute JSC acts as the Secretariat for SDGs, providing an expert and analytical support.

On June 7, 2021, Economic Research Institute JSC was officially approved as the Secretariat of the Coordinating Council for Sustainable Development Goals by the order of Askar Mamin.

See also: SDG Secretariat staff participated in the Central Asian Sub-regional Orientation Meeting

Views: 2517
Saved: 19.09.2024

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