Seminar on localization of SDGs
On March 29, employees of Economic Research Institute JSC (ERI) together with the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNDP held a seminar on localization of Sustainable Development Goals and Mission 2030 business game at Almaty Management University (AlmaU). The event was attended by AlmaU students, representatives of local executive bodies, civil sector and business community. Director of the ERI SDG Secretariat Bakytgul Khambar moderates a seminar on SDGs localization in AlmaU 1. Official opening of the art installation on SDGs at the University ERI Science Advisor, Academician of KAZNANS, Bulat Khusainov, delivering a welcoming speech, noted that Economic Research Institute JSC performs functions of the Secretariat of SDGs Coordinating Council in Kazakhstan. He noted importance of implementing SDGs in the fight against such global problem as inequality, the reduction of which largely depends on development of pharmaceutical industry, digitalization and increased employment. "Each sustainable development goal remains relevant in the current realities. For example, sustainable employment development provides employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Implementation of Goal 6 "Clean Water and Sanitation" addresses the environmental problem of access to drinking water. Therefore, it is important to work together to achieve SDGs", Bulat Khusainov stressed. ERI Science Advisor Bulat Khusainov delivers a welcoming speech We want to prepare 10 thousand agents of Sustainable Development Goals, the Rector of AlmaU, Ph.D. in Economics, Gulnara Kurenkeyeva noted in her speech. "We are an university that is actively engaged in implementation of the third mission of universities in Kazakhstan. Universities should be engaged not only in education and research. Universities should also help the development of civil society, promote development of new ideas, new goals for the benefit of society's sustainable development", Gulnara Kurenkeyeva said. UNDP Kazakhstan Project Manager Aigerim Igemberdiyeva spoke about work of the SDG implementation project in Kazakhstan, creation of a Regional SDG Platform in Central Asia and digital laboratory for students to implement SDG projects. Opening of the SDG installation in AlmaU 2. Practical seminar In the second part of the event, Bakytgul Khambar, Director of the ERI SDG Secretariat, made a presentation on theme "Sustainable Development Goals: a Call to Action". Participants got acquainted with the concept of sustainable development, and also learned which global problems are affected by SDGs. "The Global Sustainable Development Agenda for the period up to 2030 includes a list of 17 Sustainable Development Goals aimed at eliminating poverty, combating inequality and injustice, as well as solving problems related to climate change. Efforts of the whole world to achieve SDGs are aimed at universal well-being. The Sustainable Development Goals are important for each of us", Bakytgul Khambar said.
3. Mission 2030 business game
According to the game results, participants selected air quality and negative environmental impact of SDG 11.6 as priority sustainable development goals, as well as the goals on healthcare system and training of medical personnel, on ensuring employment and decent work. In one of the groups, participants chose the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development as a priority goal, arguing that it is impossible to support achievement of SDGs without the partnership of stakeholders. Participants of Mission 2030 Results of the game will be taken into account during the further stage of SDGs implementation in Kazakhstan and presented in section of the Second Voluntary National Review of the Republic of Kazakhstan. ——— In the period from March 28 to April 1, staff of the SDG Secretariat will also meet with employees of local executive bodies, civil society, private sector and independent experts of Almaty, Kyzylorda and Akmola regions. See also: Regional seminars on localization of SDGs and discussion of the Second Voluntary National Review
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