Announcement: SDG side event
Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan: Partnership for Present and Future Generations On July 15, a side event at the High-Level Political Forum in New York, USA will be held online. Side event is a parallel presentation to the Voluntary National Review, an event where all stakeholders and participants are given the opportunity to engage in informal and in-depth discussions in order to receive recommendations on issues addressed in the general debate and high-level panel sessions. This year, Kazakhstan will hold a side event on «Localizing the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan: Partnership for Present and Future Generations». Speakers will discuss Kazakhstan's progress in localizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the lens of improving the well-being of the people of Kazakhstan (human-centered development of society), where citizens, their rights and freedoms are at the forefront.
Organizers:Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Committee for Protection of Children's Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan; UN Development Program; JSC "Economic Research Institute" (ERI); Sustainable Rural Development Fund and other partners. The event will be attended by representatives of internationa.organizations and development institutions, the expert community, representatives of government agencies of foreign countries, non-governmenta.organizations, the business community and other stakeholders.
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