Economic Research Institute raises awareness among metropolitan children about Sustainable Development Goals


Specialists of the Economic Research Institute

Students in grades 8–10 have successfully mastered the “2030 Mission” business game, developed by UNDP experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Pupils of school No. 67 identified urgent problems related to the implementation of SDG 4 “High-quality education”, emphasizing the need to reduce the cost of higher education.  They set such a task because the pool of allocated grants cannot provide everyone with the necessary knowledge.

“We need conditions so that we have the same opportunities in obtaining knowledge, since the future of the state depends on youth.  It is important to understand here that the contribution to our generation is long-term investments that will surely benefit Kazakhstan and serve as an example for future generations, ”the young activists of the 2030 Mission shared their observations.  Students also noted that it is necessary to increase the innovative and technological component of modern education to increase the competitiveness of the young generation.

Students highlighted the fight against corruption as another important task, namely SDG 16, Peace, Justice, and Effective Institutions.  Pupils agreed that it is important to start this work from the “school bench” through the introduction of special courses to inform about the public dangers of corruption as part of school programs.  In addition, they drew attention to the improvement of these issues in the legislation, as well as to the development of effective forms of interviewing and testing for public servants in the selection process.

Particular attention was paid to the issue of combating child violence.  Interestingly, students view the solution to this problem in close connection with three important components such as poverty, access to education, and gender equality.  Teenagers believe that thoughts of violence will not appear in the head of a person who is wealthy, educated, and highly cultured.

Preserving the traditional values of our people is important for young generation, but at the same time we should strive for a new one, think progressively, leaving unnecessary stereotypes in the past.

The next issue that children have addressed is the provision of quality health care as part of the implementation of SDG 3 “Good health and well-being”.  Pupils noted the importance of global cooperation, especially in the prevention of viral diseases, as countries in this matter cannot act only in terms of personal sovereignty.  Everyone agreed that any country problem - in this case, a serious illness that broke out on the territory of one state - could endanger not only the lives of millions of people, but the whole of humanity.

The training seminar for students of school No. 67 demonstrated the high interest of students in the Global Agenda for Sustainable Development until 2030.  Employees of the Institute for Economic Research noted their high potential in broadcasting global initiatives and finding practical solutions.

Views: 2859
Saved: 25.08.2020

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