Seminar discussion on the topic: “Preliminary results on the analysis of the coordination of financing of the SDGs with the national budget”


Within the framework of the discussion club of the Institute for Economic Research JSC, a seminar-discussion was held on the topic: “Preliminary results on the analysis of the coordination of financing of the SDGs with the national budget”

An expert at the Talap Applied Research Center presented the results of the work done on the first two of the 5 components of the analytical module for Development Financing Assessment.  The first two components analyze the development financing system from available public and private resources, as well as the integration and correlation of planning and financing processes in Kazakhstan.  The expert emphasized that in recent years state sources of financing have prevailed in financing for development.  Sources such as foreign investment and private commercial investment account for the smallest share in development financing and in the compartment are significantly lower than the state share.  Thus, poor diversification of funding sources significantly reduces the state’s potential for investing in the development of the country's socio-economic development.

As Elena Danilova-Cross noted, the assessment of the national budget using the Quick Integrated Assessment methodology (hereinafter - BKO) is a continuation of the previous analysis, which revealed 79.9% of strategic and program documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan correspondence with the SDG objectives.
In general, this technique makes it possible to assess the degree of coordination of the national budget with the SDGs.  For more accurate implementation of this BCO budget, it is necessary to have an effectively working program budgeting, which will allow us to link the financial resources allocated to the programs with the specific objectives of the SDGs.

Views: 2874
Saved: 25.08.2020

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