SDGs Subregional Forum
A Subregional Forum on SDGs implementation is being held on September 2-4, 2020.
The event i.organized annually by the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) and partners to provide governments, civil society, academic circles, business and the media with a unique opportunity to jointly explore subregional priorities and share experiences in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals in North and Central Asia. Bakytgul Khambar, Director of the Center for Strategic Research and Sustainable Development, participated in Forum for and on behalf of the Economic Research Institute. The key issues for discussion were - «New normal» after the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery on «better than it was» principle in North and Central Asia - Sustainable and inclusive transformation of the economy and society of North and Central Asia, as well as ways to avoid and prepare for future crises The ERI Expert presented Kazakhstan's approach to the preparation of the first Voluntary National Review of SDGs implementation, as well as highlighted the important points of SDGs localization: 1. The need to provide comprehensive information with reference to specific SDGs; 2. Displaying not only positive but also problematic aspects of SDGs implementation; 3. Supporting analytics with statistical data; 4. Providing specific projects and cases that have been implemented in the country; 5. Reflecting the involvement of various population groups in the SDGs implementation process. Kazakhstan's experience in preparing the first VNR will help other countries submit their Voluntary National Reviews.
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