Corporate Fund

Corporate Fund ‘Kazakhstan Fund for Economic Initiatives’ is a subsidiary non-profi.organization of the Economic Research Institute JSC of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, created with the participation of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan in March 2015.

The foundation has many years of experience in conducting international high level events. It is one of the mai.organizers of Astana Economic Forum (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019). The Fund held and participated i.organization of the Forum of Cross-Border Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia in Petropavlovsk (2018), the First Regional SDG Summit in Kazakhstan (2019).

It has an expanded network of economic experts worldwide; It also has a base of more than 1000 foreign speakers and moderators including Nobel Prize winners in economics, former leaders of states, first leaders of internationa.organizations and financial institutions. The fund carries out research and analytical activities. It conducted the following research projects together with its partners:

The fund carries out research and analytical activities. It conducted the following research projects together with its partners:

-    ‘Analysis of state subsidies in certain economic sectors of the Republic of Kazakhstan’ (2016);

-    ‘Sociological survey of an adult working population in the framework of the Global Entrepreneurship Monitoring project’ (2018);

-    ‘Analytical report on results of the session by the “Baikonur Cosmodrome in 20 Years” Rapid Foresight methodology’

The Fund actively collaborates with the Asian Development Bank, World Bank, UNDP, St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Kiev International Economic Forum, World Economic Forum (Davos), Boaos Asian Forum, Financial Times, The Economist, Updated Bretton Woods Committee and others.

The Head of Corporate Fund ‘Kazakhstan Fund for Economic Initiatives’ is Murat Ergalievich Nurgaliev.

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Saved: 07.08.2020

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