Academic Council

Sailau Bayzakov Doctor of Economics, Professor, Scientific Director - Deputy Chairman of the Academic Council
Shaharbanu Zhakupova Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief researcher - Member of the Academic Council
Bulat Khusainov Science Advisor, Academician of the KNA of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Member of the Academic Council
Sara Alpysbaeva Doctor of Economics, Professor, Chief Researcher - Member of the Academic Council
Saltanat Akhmetzhanova Doctor of Economics, Chief researcher - Member of the Academic Council
Gulmira Kashkinbekova Ph.D., Scientific Secretary of Economic Research Institute
Gulnar Dugalova Chief Scientific consultant of the expert-analytical group of the Society, Doctor of Economics, Professor – member of the Academic Council
Taubayev Ayapbergen Rector of Esil University (Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade), Doctor of Economics, Professor – Member of the Academic Council
Alzhanova Farida Chief Researcher of the Institute of Economics of the KN MES RK, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor
Shokamanov Yuri Professor of the Department "Accounting, Audit, Statistics" of Almaty University of Humanities and Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor - member of the Academic Council
Arystan Yesentugelov Scientific supervisor

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