Scientific Economic Expertise

The main activities

The Economic Research Institute has been conducting the scientific economic examination of the republican bills.

The examination is carried out within 25 calendar days, and the additional and repeated examination - within 5 working days.

According to the Rules for conducting scientific examination of draft legal acts the state body-developer is obliged to assess the socio-economic consequences of the adopted bills, the results of which are reflected in the bill Passport. Thereafter the Economic Research Institute conducts an examination of the bill assessment results impact on the state, business, and the population by the government body.

According to the expertise results scientifically based conclusions are made about the bill impact on macroeconomic efficiency, social development, entrepreneurship development, competitiveness parameters of the economy, economic security, development of trade and economic cooperation within the framework of international and regiona.organizations.

Comments and recommendations for the bill improvement can be also given by the expert opinion.

Our advantages

The Institute of Economic Research has been constantly working to improve the quality of expertise. With that being said the Passport as the main tool for conducting the expertise as well as methodological recommendations for its completion had been improved.
In order to carry out our expertise scientific potential is necessary. To date the examination is carried out by a highly qualified staff consisting of 4 doctors of economic sciences, PhD in economics, 6 candidates of economic sciences, as well as masters of economics.
Our experts systematically take advanced training courses at leading foreign training centers.

In addition, the Economic Research Institute has developed and applied a set of tools for econometric modeling which allows assessing the impact of draft legal acts on socio-economic indicators.
There is a number of methods used in the process of examination, such as the method of analysis of benefits and costs, the standard cost model, benchmarking, comparative analysis.

Research been carried out:

The expertise is carried out as part of the state task ‘Scientific and economic expertise of the Republic of Kazakhstan bills.’

Methodological support is provided for state bodies-regulatory acts developers within the framework of the state assignment. Thereby 2 training seminars are held annually for improvement of the quality assessment of the RoK laws socio-economic consequences.

The developments we took part in this area, how many project reviews had been done:

At the present stage the expertise in Kazakhstan is a tool for the validity assessments of amendments and additions introduced by the bill. The results of the expertise are thoroughly taken into account by the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan while coordinating bills. The recommendations and comments of the Institute based on the results of the examination are considered and accepted for work by the state authorities-developers.
Over the entire examination period more than 650 expert opinions had been provided in such areas as public administration and regulation, the budget process, business, investment and industry development, social security, the legal sphere, security, and other areas.

Views: 2357
Saved: 21.04.2023

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