Sustainable Development Goals
Sustainable Development Goals
Main activities
The main focus of research activities is to provide expert and analytical support for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Kazakhstan in the medium and long term.
The Economic Research Institute has been working to facilitate the nationalization and localization of the SDGs in Kazakhstan.
Our advantage
To date, the Economic Research Institute JSC effectively performs the functions of the Secretariat for the implementation of the SDGs, viz.:
- Methodological and expert support for the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the country's state planning system;
- Support for the process of nationalization and localization of the SDGs;
- Providin.organizational support for the activities of the Council for Sustainable Development under the leadership of the First Deputy Prime Minister;
- Expert and analytical support and consulting support for 5 interagency working groups;
- Ensuring the preparation of the Voluntary National Review on the implementation of the SDGs;
- Elaboration of the content of the SDG events within the AEF, the SDG Summit, etc.
The Economic Research Institute together with government bodies and stakeholders took part in the Preparation of the first Voluntary National Review on the achievement of the SDGs in Kazakhstan for the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, eventually submitting the presentation at the UN site in July 2020.
Also available:
- availability of the significant experience, expertise and competence to advise on the implementation of the SDGs;
- skills of interaction with internationa.organizations,
- involvement of stakeholders in the SDG implementation process.
Our projects
- Assessment of financing sources for the country's development;
- Participation in the development of a rapid integrated assessment of national budgets;
- Development of guidelines for the formation of the child well-being index
- Recommendations for integrating the principles, objectives and indicators of the SDGs into the documents of State Planning System;
- Assistance to local executive bodies in the process of localizing SDGs in the regions;
- Promoting the involvement of the population in the implementation of the SDGs;
International projects
The research was conducted by the experts of the
Economic Research Institute:
- Analysis of strategic and program documents for compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals in the Republic of Kazakhstan (commissioned by UNDP and ADB, 2018);
- "Partnership for creating a national SDG platform" (commissioned by UNDP, 2019)
- "SDG financing strategy" (commissioned by UNDP, 2020);
- Analysis of the effectiveness of children's budgeting in Kazakhstan (commissioned by UNICEF, 2020);
- "Analysis of documents on planning and budgeting of the local executive body for 2017-2020, taking into account gender aspects (on the example of the Akmola region)" (commissioned by the UN on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment, 2020).
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Saved: 21.04.2023