Center for Strategic Analysis

The main activities

The main area of research and development is conducting research in the field of strategic planning.
The Economic Research Institute is also engaged in the process of nationalization and localization of sustainable development goals (SDGs) of Kazakhstan.

Our advantages
The Economic Research Institute has been well known for its experience in methodological and expert support of the state planning system.

Also available:
- experience in conducting training seminars for government bodies in the field of assessment, as well as the development of strategic and program documents;
- the presence of significant experience, experiments and competencies for consultation on the implementation of the SDGs;
- experience in preparing the first Voluntary National Survey on the achievement of the SDGs in Kazakhstan for the Government of Kazakhstan with the goal of presentation at the UN site;
- experience in providing quality content to major forums and summits (First Forum on Sustainable Development in the framework of AEF 2019);
- skills of interaction and setting up dialogue with internationa.organizations.

Our projects
- Methodological support of the state planning system;
- Development of strategic and program documents, including:
  • Strategic development plan until 2025
  • Export strategy
  • Updating the Forecast Scheme of the spatial development of the country
  • Strategy for the service sector development of the in the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2030
- Expert and analytical support for improvement of EGR documents implementation monitoring;
- CGP documents audit (Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state programs, etc.).
- Expert and analytical support for implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan:
  • Recommendations on the SDGs principles, objectives and indicators integration into the State Planning System documents;
  • Assistance to local executive bodies in the process of localizing SDGs in the regions;
  • Promoting community involvement in the SDGs implementation.

International projects
The Economic Research Institute had conducted a joint expertise in the development of strategic documents with international companies (Boston Consulting Group, McKinsey and Company). This allowed our experts to get a unique experience learning from international experts.
In 2019 the Economic Research Institute experts conducted the ‘Partnership for the creation of a national SDG platform’ study under the guidance of the UNDP.

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Saved: 21.04.2023

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