Digitalization of public services


You can pay the fee for public services using a QR code-through the mobile applications of any Kazakhstan Bank or the applications of Kazpost JSC and the mobile operator Activ.

To do this, you should:
  1. Ask the PSC Manager to provide you with a QR code for payment;
  2. Use one of the mobile apps to scan this code;
  3. Make payment;
  4. Read more about the list of public services that can be obtained on the portal by scanning the QR code.
Let us recall, earlier it was reported about the possibility to apply for marriage registration using a QR code.

Also among the proactive public services were:
  • registration of a child's birth;
  • putting a child on the waiting list for kindergarten;
  • opening a legal entity;
  • receiving tax reports (form 250).
When receiving these services on a computer, instead of signing an EDS, it is enough to sign a request for services via the eGov Mobile app by scanning a QR code. You do not need to install an additional program to use the digital signature on your computer.

The eGov mobile app is available for download on the App Store and PlayMarket platforms.

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Saved: 19.09.2024

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