Innovative economy


Astana Hub, the largest technology park of IT startups in Central Asia, has signed Memorandum of Cooperation with international research and consultin.organization HexGn. This company implements its programs in more than 20 countries around the world.
As part of the collaboration, HexGn launches the Startup Explore program. This is a 24-week pre-acceleration program for Kazakhstan students and high school seniors aimed at education and training of specialists to work in innovative economy. Program provides grants for free trainings.

Trainings will start on November 30 this year and will include theoretical and practical classes with experts in the field of artificial intelligence, fintech, cybersecurity, e-commerce, etc. Young people will have opportunity to start their own startup project and develop skills necessary to work in innovative economy.

All Kazakhstan students and high school seniors may submit an application for participation in this program. Acceptance of applications has been extended until November 25, 2020.  Language of study is English. As a result, participants will receive certificates on completion of Startup Explore.

Views: 3523
Saved: 05.11.2020

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