Republican budget 2021-2023


The Head of state signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Republican Budget 2021-2023”.

Earlier (November 19), the draft Law “On the Republican Budget 2021-2023” was returned to the Majilis, in connection with the received proposals for amendments and additions related to various areas of the state's activities.

On November 24, the Parliament adopted the Republican Budget 2021-2023.

As the Deputy of the Majilis Tatyana Yakovleva said, the Senate of the Parliament made 39 amendments. The amendments affected the structure of budget expenditures.

The Republican Budget expenditures increased in 2021 by KZT 15.2 bln., and in 2022 by KZT 4.7 bln. due to the redistribution of the Government Reserve. There was also a redistribution of expenditures between state agencies in 2021 by KZT 22.5 bln., in 2022 - by KZT 636 mln., and in 2023 - by KZT 1.2 bln.,” the Deputy Tatyana Yakovleva said at the Majilis Plenary Session.

Earlier, the Vice-Minister of Finance of Kazakhstan Ruslan Yensebayev also said that the social orientation of the Budget is preserved. The share of social block expenditures in total expenditures in 2021 will be 50.5% and will grow to 61.6% by 2023. In general, according to him, KZT 22.4 tln. will be allocated for the development of the social area in a three-year period, incl. KZT 7.1 tln. in 2021 with an increase of KZT 401 bln. compared to the current year.

The text of the Law is published in the press.

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Saved: 19.09.2024

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