

Year of Volunteers draws to a close successfully. The Head of State addressed tens of thousands of Kazakhstanis - followers of the national idea of "good deeds".

"The national idea of "good deeds" has become a reality thanks to the charity and responsiveness of tens of thousands of Kazakhstanis. But the work of the volunteers continues. Of course, the state and I, as the Head of State, will provide all possible support to you – noble people with pure impulses and a clear conscience. All of you by your daily work and good deeds set an example of high civic responsibility and true patriotism!"

Kassym-Jomart Tokayev noted that "Birgemiz" National Initiative has united a lot of concerned citizens in a short time. During the pandemic, the necessary support was provided to those in need. "Qamqor", "Saulyq", and "Sabaqtastyq" Projects launched as part of this Initiative have helped hundreds of thousands of people. Activities of Taza Alem volunteer movement to clean up rivers, forests, plant trees, and sort garbage also received a wide response. "Today, eco-activism is not a tribute to any fashion trends, but an urgent necessity, a vital principle that will allow us to preserve our nature. Activists of the movement are also involved in th.organization of the National Annual Environmental Campaign "Birge - taza Qazaqstan", the President stressed.

"Thanks to volunteers, the picturesque corners of our nature and leisure areas become more attractive, and the country becomes cleaner and neater. In addition, volunteer brigades contribute to the preservation of the material, spiritual, cultural and historical heritage of the country, restoration of historical and archival documents of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. It is a major efforts and important work. It is necessary to preserve the historical memory of the people, our traditions and culture. State bodies, archiva.organizations, and research institutes need to use the resource of volunteers more productively, and include them in joint research work and search expeditions," he added.

Speaking about the restrictions associated with the spread of coronavirus infection, Mr. Tokayev noted the work of medical volunteers. It is known that doctors and medical staff conduct round-the-clock online consultations for all those who need medical care. Along with them, more than 3,500 lawyers, notaries, and law students provide citizens with free legal support.

According to the Head of State, the issues of environmental protection and animal protection require special attention. "The facts of cruelty to animals, cases of barbaric attitude of people to unique natural monuments, picturesque places of our country cause sincere indignation of the majority of Kazakhstanis. These blasphemous incidents, unacceptable to the entire civilized world, united animal protectio.organizations and volunteers in "Ayala" National Movement. Legislation in the area of animal protection is being developed to expand the regulatory framework for this area of volunteer activity."

A separate priority remains the issue of systematic support for charitable activities. On behalf of the President, a new Law on Charity is being prepared, which will eliminate the existing gaps in this area. Thus, charitable and voluntee.organizations will be able to get a legal status that will provide them with all necessary conditions for working, including with the state and business. In addition, we need clear and effective legal mechanisms to encourage and promote socially oriented activities.

To do this, Kassym-Jomart Tokayev instructed the Government to work out a set of tasks:
  1. First. Provision of preferential loans in the first years of formation and development of charitabl.organizations, as well as the possibility of preferential use of state property facilities by them.
  2. Second. It is important to introduce effective mechanisms to indirectly encourage businesses and individuals to participate in charitable and volunteer projects, including through the granting of priority rights in the provision of state support measures.
  3. Third. We should significantly expand financial and non-financial support for charitable and voluntee.organizations, both from the state and from business.
  4. Fourth. In order to ensure the transparency of charitable activities, it is worth considering the issue of introducing a Register of Charitable Organizations. It should be integrated into all existing information systems in this area. We need to make it available to anyone who wants to get acquainted with the activities of charitabl.organizations and their financial statements. It is equally important to build a system to protect citizens from fraud in the area of electronic charity. Today, this is one of the most popular forms of financial aid transfers. Every third citizen of Kazakhstan prefers to make online donations. In order to eliminate fraud and not undermine people's trust, it is necessary to introduce the so-called revolving (operative) donations through online banking. This will allow to track the passage of funds, ensuring their targeting.
  5. Fifth. It is necessary to continue to provide regular support to voluntee.organizations and provide them with special grants. Good deeds done this year should not be limited to this year. Good work must always continue. In this regard, it is important to develop a Road Map for volunteering activities development. We will also need a volunteer training program.
  6. Sixth. It is necessary to define the basic requirements and principles o.organizing volunteer activities. It was instructed to create a single standard of volunteer support.
  7. Seventh. Volunteering is not just a social phenomenon. It's not even a habit or a habit that develops in a day. This is a lifestyle that many people choose consciously. Charity is a quality that a person acquires from childhood. Therefore, it is very important to teach the younger generation to do good from an early age.
  8. Eighth. Given the high level of involvement of publi.organizations in the life of society and government processes, it is necessary to increase the potential of social partnership in the implementation of volunteer and charitable activities. With this in mind, large syste.organizations will be able to apply for accreditation with relevant state bodies. In this way, they will have access to participate in state programs and national projects.
  9. Ninth. Volunteering is not just a service for our young people. The older generation is also actively involved. Undoubtedly, their life experience and example will always be a lesson for the younger generation. Only then will volunteering become a common social movement for both young and old.
  10. Tenth. On behalf of the President, work has begun on the development of corporate volunteering. This type of activity differs from corporate social responsibility. These concepts are close, but not identical, not the same. Introduction of several hours of corporate volunteering should become a permanent practice, not a one-time event. It is necessary to continue this work and provide a mandatory system of incentives for employees engaged in volunteer activities on a systematic basis. Solving these tasks will open up new horizons for volunteer movements, systematize and simplify activities of voluntee.organizations.

Views: 3808
Saved: 09.12.2020

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