Global Go To Think Tank Index


The 2020 edition of the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Go To Think-Tank Index has been issued. This annual index ranks think-tanks in the world in a variety of categories and areas of study with the aim of connecting leading centers of public policy research around the world, as well as raising awareness of the relevant role think tanks play in governments and civil societies.

Economic Research Institute is happy to announce that it now ranks as 6th best think-tank network in Central Asia.

The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) of the Lauder Institute at the University of Pennsylvania administers a research on the role that policy institutes play in the governments and civil societies around the world. TTCSP determines the evolving responsibility and character of public policy researc.organizations. The TTCSP was formed in 1989 and has focused on gathering data and conducting research on the think tank trends and the role think tanks play as civil society actors in the policymaking process. The 2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report is the 15h edition of the report.

Think tanks are thos.organizations that generates policy-oriented research, analysis, and advice on issues whether domestic or international. It also enables policy makers and the public to make well informed decisions about public policy. These are affiliated or independent institutions that are structured as permanent bodies. The aim of the index is to produce an inclusive and far-reaching report of international think tanks.

In 2020 the compilers of the rating analyzed more than 11 thousand analytical centers from all over the world, of which 174 "think tanks" are included in the global rating.

From Kazakhstan, the rating includes 10 exper.organizations, including higher educational institutions, print and electronic media, academia, and non-governmenta.organizations. According to the rating, there are 43 researc.organizations in Kazakhstan.

IEI holds the 6th position in the Think Tank Index for the second year.

Economic Research Institute is the state leading institution that studies problems of integrated development of Kazakhstan economy, founded in 1961.

Economic Research Institute is aimed at providing scientific support for the country's economic strategy implementation, analyzing of economy state and forecasting of its future development, promoting of sustainable economic growth, improving of the level and quality of people’s life.

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Saved: 29.01.2021

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