On the eve of Women's Day


Official statistics have interesting economic data that are directly related to the upcoming holiday.

In Kazakhstan, the export of fresh flowers is decreasing. The decline is to some extent due to the reorientation of entrepreneurs to the domestic market. For a long time, the main and only customer of Kazakh flowers was Russia. Since 2019, the domestic business has started to develop the markets of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Basically, our country sells roses abroad. Last year, we exported more than 10 million flowers. Chrysanthemums are in the second place. This is followed by carnations, lilies, orchids and gladioli. Meanwhile, online retail sales of flowers during the quarantine increased by more than 2 times.
At the moment, the country's flower markets are dominated by tulips. From 400 tenge for one tulip - this is the most common price tag. At this price, you can find tulips in Shymkent and Almaty, as well as in Karaganda and Kokshetau. In Nur-Sultan – from 500 tenge. Also you can find them in the flower shops of Petropavlovsk. From 600 tenge, tulips are sold in Taldykorgan and Atyrau.

Analysts of several agencies conducted statistical studies and surveys associated with to March 8.
  • As a result of processing statistical data Picodi.com it turned out that the biggest interest before March 8 — in Nur-Sultan, Karaganda and Almaty. It is in these cities that the interest in gifts during the holiday period increases by 280%, 271% and 252%, respectively. Aktau, Shymkent and Kyzylorda complete the rating-here the demand for gifts is the lowest.
  • In February 2021, the GorodRabot portal.kz found out what women want for March 8, and what men are willing to do for a nice gift. Only 2% of the men are willing to spend more than 200 thousand tenge on a gift for the International Women's Day.
Earlier, in February 2020, "Avito" advertisement service published their survey. As a result of a survey of more than three thousand men and women, it turned out what girls would like to receive as a present. It turned out that 41% of girls would like to be presented with jewelry, 40% - perfume. A third of the surveyed representatives of the fair sex are happy with gift certificates, 23% want to get tourist vouchers. And only 16% of girls are interested in gadgets.

According to annual surveys among women, one of the most anticipated presents for March 8 are cars. However, according to Internet search engines, most often men buy gift certificates for the holiday. Demand for them has increased in almost all cities. But there are exceptions. In Uralsk, they prefer to arrange romantic dinners, and in Taraz-to give beauty gadgets

It should be noted that according to the Association of Automobile Business, in 2020 the number of cars registered for women exceeded 27 thousand. Whereas a year earlier, a little more than 20 thousand cars were registered at the initial registration for ladies. The most popular models for women are Hyundai, Toyota, Lada and Kia.

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Saved: 05.03.2021

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