Report on the new academic year preparation
Askhat Aimagambetov, Education and Science Minister reported on the the new academic year preparations. The academic year from September 1, begins in the format of distance learning in connection with the epidemiological situation. According to the head of the Ministry of Education, children in remote rural small schools will be trained as usual. Primary school students will be able to attend duty groups at the request of parents - duty classes will open in compliance with strict sanitary requirements. “According to the preliminary forecast, 2.6 million schoolchildren will study in a distance format using the Internet platform and television, 530 thousand children in duty classes, more than 157 thousand students in a regular mode,” Aimagambetov said. The President highlighted the need of providing support in distance learning to children from vulnerable categories. In addition, in the list of necessary measures: improvement of the teachers status, their protection from performing unusual functions and ensurance of the planned increase in wages by 25% from January 2021. Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev also set tasks to expand the academic independence of universities, improve the quality of higher education and develop university science.
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