Lifting quarantine for entrepreneurs


Businesses is required to submit an application and pass verification

Since the quarantine is lifted on 17 August, the algorithm for entrepreneurs registration and acceptance of activity resumption applications is available on the Info Kazakhstan electronic platform. After verification by the Commission entities will be provided with electronic permits to resume operations.

On the platform, you can submit an application for checking the  enterprise readiness to resume work, and receive confirmation of compliance with the standards. 150 thousand people can use the services at the same time.
In addition, the function of public control works. Any resident can link a complaint about a breach of business standards.

Recall that in connection with the stabilization of the epidemiological situation, the Government approved the Plan for the phased lifting of quarantine measures. Objects that resume work are required to conduct thermometry of visitors and their employees, use personal protective equipment, and also not forget about disinfection.

Views: 3331
Saved: 17.08.2020

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