Draft National Action Plan


The Ministry of National Economy, together with related state bodies, has developed a Draft National Action Plan for implementation of the Address.

As the Minister of national economy Ruslan Dalenov noted at the Government meeting, the Draft Plan is based on seven main principles of new economic course and consists of 143 activities in 10 key areas.
  1. "New model of public administration". Further improvement of the State Planning System is planned. An effective personnel policy and decision-making system will be provided. In order to further improve the efficiency of state bodies, the transition to a new compensation plan for civil servants will be implemented from July 1, 2021.
  2. "Economic development in new realities". The competitiveness of the manufacturing industry will be increased; and the share of Kazakhstan content will increase. Special attention is paid to the development of the agro-industrial complex. Monetary policy will play an important stimulating role. Work will be carried out to simplify the execution of tax obligations and reduce the shadow economy. In total, 42 events are planned to be implemented.
  3. "Balanced territorial development". The main focus in this area will be on improving the competitiveness of the regions. Growth points will be formed, taking into account the potential for developing production and creating new jobs. Cooperation in border areas will be expanded to promote domestic products.
  4. "Social well-being of citizens is a top priority." Citizens will be given the opportunity to use part of their pension savings for alternative purposes (purchase of housing, medical treatment, or transfer to the management of financial companies). According to the Minister, a set of measures will be taken to develop rental housing and provide socially vulnerable people with rental housing.
  5. "Affordable and quality education".  A unified online educational platform will be developed. Qualified personnel will be attracted to the education system, and the status of a teacher will increase. Professional education will be reoriented to the formation of competencies that are in demand in the labor market.
  6. "Development of healthcare system". Special attention will be paid to medical infrastructure modernization and provision of material and technical equipment. It is planned to actively develop primary health care and transport medicine to serve rural areas.  Measures will be taken to develop domestic pharmaceutical industry.
  7. "Ecology and biodiversity protection". It is planned to develop the mineral resources base, water management, fishing and national parks. The environmental protection policy will continue to be improved. Measures will be taken for "green growth" and deep decarbonization of the national economy.
  8. "Fair state that protects the interests of citizens". According to the Minister, a three-tier criminal model will be built and stability of criminal and criminal procedure legislation will be ensured.
  9. "Digitalization is the basic element of all reforms". Measures will be taken to eliminate digital inequality and ensure maximum access to the Internet. The processes related to the appointment and payment of pensions and benefits will be digitized. A unified database system will be created. In total, it is planned to implement 8 events.
  10. "Civil participation in the government". In order to increase active participation of citizens in solving public administration issues, a single legitimate institute of online petitions will be formed.  Also, as the Minister noted, it is planned to hold direct elections of rural Akims, while increasing the transparency of Maslikhats' activities.

Views: 3378
Saved: 09.09.2020

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