Investments in Science:
In January–July 2020, investments in fixed assets in professional, scientific and technical activities amounted to KZT 20.9 bln. – 46.8% less than in the same period of 2019 (Index of actual volume - 52.1%).
In the regional context, the largest volume of investments (26.1%) fell on Almaty: KZT 5.5 bln. – 3.9 times less than a year earlier. Another quarter (25.6%) fell on the Atyrau region: KZT 5.4 bln., and here the figure is 2.3 times more than in January–July 2019. The capital closes the TOP 3 regions: KZT 2.5 bln. – 2.7 times less than a year ago. A noticeable increase in capital investment in the sector was recorded in Pavlodar region: 12.1 times, up to KZt 1.4 bln. A significant reduction was noted in Shymkent: 26.5 times, up to KZT 24.1 mln. The main source of funding for professional, scientific and technical activities was own funds: 89.7% of the investment portfolio, or KZT 18.7 bln. – half the figure of last year. KZT 216 mln. was invested from the local budget in the sector – 13.1% more than a year earlier. Bank loans invested KZT 12 mln. – 15.9 times less than in 2019. It should be noted that in January–July 2019, investments in the sector amounted to KZT 39.3 bln. – 1.9 times more than a year earlier.
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