United Nations Day
On October 23, an online celebration of the United Nations Day – "UN75: Common future by common efforts" - was held in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Organization. The event was attended by António Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, Mukhtar Tleuberdy, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, Akmaral Arystanbekova, the Ambassador-at-large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, and many other representatives of the diplomatic corps, civil and business community, media and culture. Kazakhstan has become one of the most active participants in the UN75 global dialogue, a large-scale and open-to-all discussion aimed at improving the social, economic and climatic conditions of human life. "The world is changing. We face risks, which are based on growing inequalities, persistent conflicts and new forms of violence. To overcome these trends, cooperation is required..." - the UN75 project calls. Its developers, representatives of the UN are convinced that everyone's voice will sound louder, and this will serve as a guide to action. More than 35,000 Kazakhstan citizens took part in the survey, and most of the respondents noted the need to strengthen international cooperation, attention to the health sector, migration, as well as climate change. Mr. Yakup Beris, the Acting UN Resident Representative in Kazakhstan, emphasizes: "Since the inception of the UN Office in Kazakhstan, the UN Country Team has provided tangible support to the people and government of Kazakhstan to achieve the sustainable development goals. In this regard, we see the new UN framework for cooperation on sustainable development as a mechanism for further advancing national development priorities and implementing the Agenda 2030 by consolidating efforts and mobilizing resources from key partners, including government, civil society, academia, the private sector, the media, the international community and the Organization itself." The Economic Research Institute is the Secretariat of the Coordination Council for Sustainable Development Goals. The Institute contributes to the formation of a unified policy for the implementation of SDGs in Kazakhstan, providing expert and analytical support. The Economic Research Institute participated in the UN75 project, thus expressing its commitment to the UN principles. The 75th anniversary of the Organization is a significant date that unites countries and continents. This is especially important at a time of huge upheavals for the whole world, according to ERI experts. On UN Day, meetings, round tables and exhibitions were held all over the world in order to sum up the activities and achievements of the UN in a certain way, and draw public attention to the high mission of the Organization. Within the framework of the UN75 global campaign, more than 200 buildings, architectural monuments and bridges around the world have been painted blue. Kazakhstan also joined the international campaign. On October 23-24, residents and guests of Nur-Sultan and Almaty were able to see the festive illumination of such attractions as the Baiterek Monument, the Kazakhstan Temir Zholy tower and the Kazakhstan Hotel. A music video dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UN was premiered during the live broadcast. Yernar Nurtazin, a well-known musician and conductor of the Symphony Orchestra of the Nur-Sultan Philharmonic, performed a cover version of the famous works of Nazkonyr and Balbyrauyn. Noting his impressions of working on the project, Yernar Nurtazin noted: "We tried very hard to create a positive composition, so that the audience could understand our message, calling for peace, development and prosperity for all mankind." You can watch the event on Facebook For reference • Many decades ago, the UN became synonymous with peacekeeping on a global scale and participation in establishing justice in the international arena. Th.organization has no bounds and unites the whole world, having gone a long way from its origin in post-war Europe to recognition by the absolute majority of countries. As of 2020, 193 countries are members of the UN. • Since 1945, more than 170 peace agreements have been concluded with the support of the United Nations, ending regional conflicts. • With the assistance of the UN, more than 80 countries have gained independence and become sovereign states. • Due to the efforts of the UN, more than 500 multilateral treaties have been concluded — on human rights, the fight against terrorism and international crime, refugees, disarmament, commodities and the protection of the Oceans. • The World Food Programme, the world's largest humanitarian aid agency, saves an average of 90 million people from hunger every year in 80 countries. In 2020, the UN World Food Program won the Nobel Peace Prize.
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