Post-COVID: Globalization trends
Post-COVID: globalization trends Economic Research Institute (ERI) will hold the 'Post-COVID: globalization trends’ International Conference on November 11, 2020, at 21.00 Nur-Sultan time. Leading economists of Kazakhstan, the USA, Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Turkey will speak on integration development strategies in a discourse and discuss global trends. Don't miss it! Forecasts of internationa.organizations for the end of 2020:
Obviously, COVID-19 has become a serious test for the global economy and international trade. To review the model of integration associations or look for fundamentally new economic solutions? Governments are searching for the right strategy to overcome this crisis. The world is waiting for drastic measures… No matter how much the country indicators are reduced due to the pandemic, it is never too late to change situation, according to world experts. It is important to remember that every national economy is integrated into global processes. The main principle in this situation is dialogue and mutual assistance. Thus, coronacrisis increased motivation to interact. Leading experts and experts of scientific, analytical and academic institutions, internationa.organizations involved in processes of globalization, integration and development of international economic relations will meet on one platform to find constructive solutions:
Conference Moderator: Nurbek Yergeshbayev, Head of the Secretariat of OECD National Contact Point, Adviser to the Chairman of the Board of ERI JSC. Important: Event will be held in English. Join the ‘Post-COVID globalization trends' International Online Conference on official YouTube channel of the Institute at 21.00.
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