Involvement of civil society institutions in implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan


Involvement of civil society institutions in implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Kazakhstan

The Republican Online Conference on Sustainable Development Goals will be held on Thursday, November 5, at 15.00.organized by the "Expo&Women" International Organization with the support of Civil Initiatives Support Center NJSC of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Economic Research Institute. 

Project partners: National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President, Chairman of the Committee for children rights protection of the Ministry of Education and Science, Anti-corruption Agency, Committee on Statistics of the Ministry of National Economy.

Representatives of stat.organizations and independent experts will discuss mechanisms for responding to challenges of the time in various areas: security, human rights protection, economic and social development, overcoming poverty, environmental protection, education, science, culture, emergency humanitarian and technical assistance, and peacekeeping. 

The list of speakers announced deputies, human rights activists and public figures: E. Azimova, Commissioner for human rights; S.Tursynbekova, member of the National Council for Family Affairs, Women and Children's Rights Protection under Nur Otan Party and National Commission for Women, Family and Demographic Policy under the President of RK, Head of the project "Kazakhstan without violence in the family"; V. Vremish the Deputy of permanent UNDP representative in Kazakhstan; Sh. Zhakupova, Vice-Director of Economic Research Institute JSC, project expert; E. Abakanov, Deputy Chairman of the Association of Environmental Organizations; L. Askarova, Chairman of the "Expo&Women" Board, etc.

Consequences of industrial revolution have led the world to serious social and environmental problems that hinder development of the world economy: climate change, lack of fresh water, ecosystem degradation, armed conflicts, unemployment, rapid spread of infectious diseases, forced labor, and much more.
The 2030 agenda for sustainable development aims to build a peaceful society and effective, accountable and inclusive legal institutions. 

Ensuring access to justice for all is guaranteed under SDG 16 - PEACE, JUSTICE and STRONG INSTITUTIONS. Current situation around the pandemic has shown how important and relevant its tasks are.

Based on this, Kazakhstan decided to conduct awareness-raising work on these issues at 17 online seminars on such relevant topics as: elimination of all forms of violence and exploitation against children and adolescents; family and domestic violence; formation of an anti-corruption culture among young people and in social sphere: science, education, medicine, business; public access to information and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the national legislation and international agreements, etc.

About 1000 people took part in these events. Many seminars were held with live broadcast. Total number of views for 8 months was more than 30 000, which undoubtedly confirms the demand for this topic among the population of Kazakhstan.  

In addition, for the first time, as part of the explanatory activities, a sociological study was conducted, "Methodological recommendations for implementation of the SDG in Kazakhstan" were developed, and an informational video was created.

The upcoming Republican conference will summarize the results of work done and discuss recommendations made by main moderators and experts of the project in SDG areas 16: 16.1, 16.2, 16,5, 16.6, 16.10. Don't miss it!

Cross-cutting themes of the conference

Involvement of civil society in achieving the SDG in Kazakhstan; Role of civil society in countering domestic violence, protecting children's rights and forming a legal culture; Development of civil activism in the fight against corruption in social sphere; Ensuring public and media access to information and open data. Importance of journalistic ethics in covering the protection of children's and women's rights. 

Live broadcast - on the official Youtube channel of Economic Research Institute.

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