

The OECD Public Governance Week was held in the period from 16 to 20 November this year, during which a series of webinars were conducted as well.

Purpose of webinars is to study approaches in response of state apparatus of the OECD countries to counter COVID-19 (hereinafter - pandemic), as well as achieving positive results in the long term "postpandemic" perspective.

At the beginning of the plenary session, Dustin Brown, Chairman of the OECD Committee on Public Governance, noted that trust in management system of public authorities is a very tangible element that affects the effectiveness of Government. In turn, trust directly affects the productivity of public policy.

During the event, delegates were encouraged to pay special attention to ensuring the continuity of service delivery, processing cross-sectoral data, obtaining real-time information and monitoring activities of governments under pressure caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

In the context of this problem, the OECD experts announced the following points for discussion:

1. Effectiveness of monitoring information field of government in decision-making.
2. Identification of new approaches and practices for management activities based on the use of detailed data and new evaluation system.
3. Improve transparency regarding performance.

On issues of strengthening the public sector and society as a whole, the delegates discussed issues related to reorientation in economic recovery process. Participants agreed that key aspect in achieving the goal is a system sustainability. The following conclusions were made as key points of the OECD:

1. With regard to development of a set of measures against the pandemic, main priorities of most member states were focused on flexibility and agility.
2. Member states show an active interest in sharing knowledge and borrowing of good practices.
3. Accuracy in providing up-to-date information plays a key role in 2020.
4. Decision-making and policy-making will no longer take place at the "usual pace".  

In conclusion, it was noted, first of all, that governments need to focus on protecting public health, setting certain results and indicators, in order to achieve the "triad of trust" (goodwill – honesty - competence). Secondly – to ensure that the data needed to support public order measures is obtained transparently. Thirdly - it is recommended to review management approaches using economic/social innovations.

Views: 3016
Saved: 28.11.2020

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