On December 14, 2020, a webinar dedicated to the 20th anniversary of activity of the Institute of National Contact Point (NCP) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter - OECD), "Activities of National Contact Points for Responsible Business Conduct - Ensuring Access to Remedy: 20 years and the road ahead". Recall that NCPs function as as non-judicial grievance mechanism regarding violations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Nicolas Hachez, Acting Manager of the Centre for Responsible Business Conduct on NCP Coordination, made a welcoming speech and presented a Report on the 20-year activity of the NCP (hereinafter - the Report). For reference: The Report can be found here: http://mneguidelines.oecd.org/NCPs-for-RBC-providing-access-to-remedy-20-years-and-the-road-ahead.pdf The main topics of the report are: 2. Future challenges of the Institute of NCPs 3. Prospects for improving the Institute of NCPs Kristin Kaufman, the Chairman of the Responsible Business Conduct Working Group, presented a historical background on the NCPs' activities. In particular, she highlighted the historical component of the NCPs' activities, difficulties in proper implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as well as importance of cooperation between NCPs from different jurisdictions. However, 49 national NCPs have been established since 2000, dealing with more than 500 cases involving more than 100 countries. These achievements allow us to observe a positive trend in responsible business conduct, mainly affecting corporate, social, environmental, and labor issues. As part of the issues discussed to improve the NCPs' activities, the speakers made the following conclusions:
The speakers noted that at the moment, the average number of employees of the NCP Secretariats reaches from one to three people (1 of whom works on a permanent basis, and the rest are part-time employees), which in practice leads to violation of the procedural deadlines for consideration of applications. In conclusion, the speakers noted that the NCPs' activities definitely have a positive impact on the formation and development of business environment. Also, one of the key factors experts noted is the "interaction" of the NCPs. In particular, this interaction should be reflected not only in the cooperation of the NCPs among themselves, but also in the interaction with state bodies in the formation of national policies. See activities, structure, procedure for submitting applications, as well as any information you are interested in at the following link: /ru/OESR/Nacionalnyj_kontaktnyj_centr/Ob_NKC/
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