National funding structure
The subregional induction training for North and Central Asia (hereinafter - NCA) on the Integrated National Funding Framework (hereinafter - CNF) for sustainable recovery from COVID-19 and the implementation of the Agenda for Sustainable development for the period up to 2030 was held from 18 to 27 January 2021.
The training wa.organized by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (hereinafter - ESCAP) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (hereinafter - UNITAR). A distinctive aspect of the training is that the NCA countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) develop joint action plans for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, in particular, share their experiences, plans and projects of the SDGs in an interactive form. During the training, Kazakhstan is represented by 11 employees of the Economic Research Institute - experts make reports on the Kazakh model of SDG implementation. The training seminar consists of 7 sessions that cover a wide range of issues in the field of SDG implementation and financing. So, on the first day of training, an introductory training course passed as well as overview of the KNSF around the world and in the NCA: "Current status and forecasts". As part of the second day of training, an independent work was carried out on the UNITAR training platform, where the students got acquainted in detail with the KNSF and SDG projects, and also consolidated their knowledge through online testing. During the third day of training, the SDG Secretariat Director , Bakytgul Khambar, spoke about Kazakhstan's experience in conducting the Financing for Development Assessment (DFA) of the SDGs, in particular, about the main results of the study, as well as the study difficulties. Further sessions will also cover a wide range of relevant topics such as: Calculating the costs of the SDGs; SDG planning and budgeting (public funding); Capital markets and thematic bonds as sustainable financing instruments (private financing); Country discussions of approaches and priorities for the implementation of KNSF, etc. Employees of the Economic Research Institute JSC highly appreciate high level of the trainin.organization , and expresses gratitude to the UN and its structural divisions (ESCAP, UNITAR, UNDP, etc.).
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