BusinessNEXT: Leonid Yelshin
Blockchain technologies have become an integral part of the modern world and have a huge impact on the economies of countries. To understand the consequences of the expansion of this market, it is appropriate and relevant to develop appropriate methodological tools that would allow us to anticipate possible consequences and risks. The solution of this problem will allow us to determine the strategic directions of legal regulation of public relations related to the use of digital technologies, and to develop on this basis the concept and directions of development of the legislation of the Russian Federation, according to Russian researchers. The issue became particularly relevant at the end of last year, after the Central Bank's initiative to consider the possibility of introducing the digital ruble into economic circulation, which could become the third form of money in Russia, along with paper and non-cash funds. The result of the research will be the development of scientifically based recommendations on the prospects of using blockchain technologies in the Russian Federation, reducing social, economic, budgetary, technological and other risks during the transition of a number of economic operations of the economy to the sphere of blockchain technologies. The speaker of the online forum "BusinessNEXT: the New role of Business Schools in the Economy and Society" will share more information on the impact of blockchain technologies on the development of individual sectors of the economy and management models (using the example of the Russian Federation) Leonid Yelshin, Deputy Director for Science, State Budgetary Institution "Center for Advanced Economic Research of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan".
Mr. Yelshin is also the Director of the Center for Strategic Assessments and Forecasts of the Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Professor of the Department of Management and Entrepreneurship of the Kazan National Research Technological University. Doctor of Economics, author of 17 monographs and more than 300 scientific publications in the field of "Forecasting of regional socio-economic systems". The live broadcast of the forum will take place on June 9 at 15.00 on the official Youtube channel of the Economic Research Institute of Kazakhstan, as well as on the Facebook channel
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