Event on implementation of SDGs in the Central Asian countries


Central Asian countries will prepare an overview on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the region


For the first time in Central Asia, the SDG event was carried out within the framework of UN High-Level Political Forum-2021

The Central Asian countries will prepare an overview on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region, this was announced at the “SDG implementation in Central Asia with a focus on SDG 16+ and 17 from CSO perspective”.

Members of the Sustainable Development Goals Secretariat (SDGS),  Economic Research Institute JSC (ERI) took part in the discussion on SDGs implementation in Central Asia with a focus on SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) and SDG 17 (Partnership for the Goals) from a civil society perspective.

The event was held on July 9 of this year. It wa.organized by Permanent Mission of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations and ARGO Civil Society Development Association.


For the first time in the history of Central Asia, the event was carried out within the framework of UN–2021 High-Level Political Forum.


Main purpose of the event is to prepare an overview on implementation of SDGs in countries of Central Asia.  



  • Jamila Asanova - Director of ARGO, Co-Chair of the Asian Development Alliance, Kazakhstan; 
  • Bobur Bekmurodov - Chairman of the Yuksalish” Nationwide Movement (Central Asian Civil Society Alliance), Deputy of the Parliament (Oliy Majlis) of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Lyazzat Kaltayeva - Chairperson of the Board of Central Asian Disability Forum, Kazakhstan; 
  • Timur Nurlobekov - Director of the Fidokor” Public Organization for Civil Society Development, Tajikistan;
  • Erkina Ubysheva - Director of the Smart Zharan Association for Civic Responsibility Development, Kyrgyzstan.


In their speech, speakers voiced the current state of SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and SDG 17- Partnership for the Goals in countries of the region as well as the issues that need to be finalized in order to achieve effectively the implementation of SDGs under consideration in the countries represented.


In particular, the participants discussed aspects of private sector impact on sustainable development, relationship between the measures taken and positions of countries in Global Sustainable Development Index, development of an alternative version of Voluntary National Review developed by civil society, and other issues.


The event was also attended by representatives of state bodies, non-governmenta.organizations, public foundations and other interested persons.




See also: Order of the Prime Minister of the Republic of KazakhstanOn approval of the ERI by Secretariat of the SDG Coordination Council

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Saved: 12.07.2021

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