ERI signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with CISC NJSC
On October 21, Economic Reasearch Institute JSC (ERI) signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with Civil Initiatives Support Center NJSCRuslan Sultanov, the Chairman of ERI Management Board, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation with Dias Lima, the Chairman of the Management Board of CISC NJSC. The Parties intend to cooperate in promoting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and joint activities. Within the framework of the Memorandum, the main directions and forms of mutual cooperation have been defined, which include: — joint activities and projects on policy development and research in the field of sustainable development, including with non-governmenta.organizations; — mutual exchange of knowledge, competencies and successful practices developed within the framework of the sustainable development system; — joint implementation of various sustainability and knowledge-sharing activities aimed at increasing awareness and sector-wide understanding of sustainable projects. In addition, the Economic Research Institute and Civil Initiatives Support Center have agreed on mutua.organizational, advisory and analytical support. It is expected that the Memorandum will facilitate the broad involvement of non-governmenta.organizations, as well as the creation of new joint projects and action plan for the promotion of sustainable development. —— CISC NJSC was established to improve the mechanism of cooperation between the state and NGOs in Kazakhstan and provide a greater degree of transparency in grant-making activities. Its main activity is the provision of public and private grants to NGOs and monitoring of their implementation. The Ministry of Information and Social Development is its Sole Shareholder.
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