On April 1, representatives of the Kazakhstan office of the National Contact Point (ERI) met with international specialists from the United Nations Development Program.
At the meeting, the parties discussed the goals and objectives of the new UN Development Program project, the role of the National Contact Point in Kazakhstan and its functions, as well as issues of joint partnership.
A new project of the United Nations Development Program to ensure human rights standards in the operations of private and national companies in Kazakhstan, funded by the Japanese government, aims to institutionalize standards in both Japanese companies and industries and in counterpart companies. The project includes training events with the participation of foreign and local experts, as well as dialogue platforms to discuss the improvement of statutory regulations.

Given the role of the National Contact Point in promoting OECD international standards for responsible business conduct, the parties decided to continue discussions on a possible joint partnership between UNDP and the National Contact Point of Kazakhstan.
For reference:
The United Nations Development Programme is the United Nations global network to provide grant and nonpoliticized development assistance to its member states. UNDP works in 177 countries and territories and carries out its activities in three main areas: sustainable development, democratic governance and peace-building, and climate and natural disaster resilience. The program also promotes the effective attraction and use of development aid. In all its actions, UNDP pays special attention to