The seminars on promotion of SDG in the Kazakhstan regions
From March 13 to April 15 the experts of "Economic Research Institute" JSC under the supervision of the Ministry of National Economy of the RK and with the support of the UN Development Program (UNDP) conducted field seminars on the promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in all regions of Kazakhstan. Retreat seminars in regional centers and cities of national importance were conducted in two directions: 1. The seminar for local executive bodies (LEB) on nationalization and localization of SDGs in Kazakhstan and discussion of the draft Second Voluntary National Survey on SDGs. 2. The presentation of the draft of the Second Voluntary National SDG Survey for Regional Residents. LEB staff actively participated in the events and shared their experience and expertise in SDG-related projects. The problems and prospects of SDG localization in each region were discussed, and the issues of institutional development of SDG on individual targets were noted. For example, many regions raised issues of recycling and disposal of household waste (HHW), as well as issues of ensuring an uninterrupted supply of electricity and heating services to the population. SDG localization seminars in Kyzylorda
The discussion of the draft Second Voluntary National SDG Review took place in the format of the Mission 2030 business game, where "No one left behind" meetings are held with all stakeholders. Discussions began in Nur-Sultan on February 16 on the Second Voluntary National Review of the SDG, which Kazakhstan will present this summer at the High-Level Political Forum at UN Headquarters in New York.
The Mission 2030 Business Game wa.organized to give every citizen a chance to have their voice heard and to engage all interested populations. During the business game, participants identified priority SDG that should be emphasized in the preparation of the Second Voluntary National Survey on SDG. ERI expert moderates "Mission 2030" game in Kokshetau
In addition, in all regions of the country was launched online voting for priority SDG, where the results were selected the 5 most priority goals for Kazakhstan (see below). Figure 1: Top Five Priority Sustainable Development Goals of Kazakhstan by online voting The seminars also identified the highest-priority SDG tasks in terms of regions of the country. As you know, the staff of the Economic Research Institute held a similar event in 2019, and a comparative analysis of 2019 and 2022 shows that there is a change in public opinion on the actual tasks of the SDG. For example, in East Kazakhstan Region (EKR), the relevant objectives in 2019 were to ensure universal health coverage (Objective 3.8); increase the number of young people and adults with in-demand skills (Objective 4.4); ensure the development and implementation of strategies to promote sustainable tourism (Objective 8.9). However, the objectives of eradicating poverty (Objective 1.b); increasing agricultural productivity and incomes of small food producers (Objective 2.3); reducing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases (Objective 3.4) and others were already relevant to residents of the East Kazakhstan Region in 2022. Participants of the "Mission 2030" game in Pavlodar In a major metropolis of the country - Almaty - there is also a tendency to shift the priorities of the SDG. So, the priority objectives in 2019 were given to the creation and improvement of educational institutions, taking into account the interests of children, the special needs of persons with disabilities and gender aspects (Objective 4.a); development of quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure (Objective 9.1); support and promotion of the active participation of all people in the social, economic and political life of the country (Objective 10.4). Almaty residents in 2022 noted tasks to increase health care financing, develop professional training and retain medical personnel (Objective 3.c); develop policies that create decent jobs (Objective 8.3); reduce the negative environmental impact of cities (Objective 11.6). As a result of the seminars in the regions, the Kazakhstan people selected the Top 5 urgent SDG tasks for Kazakhstan (among 169 global SDG tasks):1. SDG 3: "Good Health and Well-Being". Objective 3.8: “To achieve universal health coverage”. 2. SDG 6: "Clean water and sanitation". Objective 6.3 “To improve water quality by reducing pollution, eliminating waste dumping, etc.”. 3. SDG 4: "High-quality education." Objective 4.4 "To significantly increase the number of young people and adults with in-demand skills". 4. SDG 8: "Decent Work and Economic Growth." Objective 8.3 "To promote development-oriented policies that foster productive activities, decent jobs, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation”. 5. SDG 11: "Sustainable Cities and Settlements". Objective 11.6 "To reduce the negative environmental impact of cities". It is important to note that the problems of the regions differ significantly from each other. For example, in Mangistau region residents noted environmental problems such as: drought, lack of water; recycling and utilization of household waste (HHW); problems of landscaping the region and pollution of the Caspian Sea. In Akmola region, the residents identified the problems of providing heat to their homes; pollution of lakes and the negative impact of subsoil users on the environment. The Second Voluntary National Review is still being discussed in microgroups, where all stakeholders can participate. ERI experts with seminar participants in Turkestan.
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