The NCP Secretariat has conducted an outreach seminar
The International Spring Scientific School "New Trends in Mediation: Science and Potential for Application in Practice" conducted a panel session on "Applied Mediation Cases: OECD Experience for Kazakhstan" on May 27.organized by the Secretariat of NCP Kazakhstan Economic Research Institute JSC. The event was attended by representatives of state agencies, professional mediators, political scientists, members of ethno-cultural centers, teachers, and students. Aziza Kassenova, the Head of the Secretariat of the NCC of Kazakhstan, and Dolores Tyulebekova, a member of the Secretariat, spoke about the activities and direction of the NCC of Kazakhstan. In addition, successful cases of peaceful settlement of disputes from international practice were discussed.
It was noted that an active civil society, including non-governmenta.organizations, public foundations and other social institutions contribute greatly to the responsible conduct of business by transnational companies. In this regard, there is a question of activation in Kazakhstan of representatives of civil society on various platforms for peaceful cooperation with the business community. At the end of the session of the Secretariat of Kazakhstan NCP was noted the relevance of the NCP and the high interest of the participants.
If you have any questions about the work of the NCP, violations of the OECD Guidelines, please call: 8 (7172) 99 99 12. To learn more about the activities of the Kazakhstan NCP, please follow this link
For reference: The NCP - is a collegial advisory body that makes decisions on appeals concerning violations of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, including issues of information disclosure, human rights, labor and industrial relations, combating bribery, bribery and extortion, environmental protection, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation.
The functions of the NCC Secretariat in Kazakhstan are performed by the Economic Research Institute JSC.
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