Second Voluntary National Review of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Second Voluntary National Review of Kazakhstan
2022 VNR provides the information not only on progress in achieving 17 SDGs, but also results of research collaborations with UNDP — Development Finance Assessment (DFA), Rapid Integrated Assessment (RIA). A brief gender analysis is also presented using the methodology developed based on the example of one region jointly with UN Women.
2. What has been done in three years: — The Coordinating Council for the SDGs was transferred under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan; — changes were made to the state planning system relating to the mandatory consideration of the SDGs in the development of strategies and programs; — national SDGs indicators were approved; — the Committee was established to monitor the achievement of the SDGs. 3. How were the priority SDGs determined? The voting was held in 17 regions of the country during the field workshops. The participants identified the following 5 goals: SDG 1: "Poverty eradication" (48.8%); SDG 3: "Good health and well-being" (65.4%); SDG 4: "Quality education" (59.7%); SDG 6: "Clean water and sanitation" (41.4%); SDG 8: "Decent work and economic growth" (47%). 2022 VNR also focuses on the SDGs recommended by the UN (SDG 5, SDG 14, SDG 15, SDG 17). 4. Assessment of the Sustainable Development Goals achievement in the Republic of Kazakhstan. SDG 1. Since April 1, 2019, the criterion for providing the social assistance has increased up to 70% of the subsistence minimum. A new state allowance for large families was introduced. SDG 7. In 2019-2021, the share of renewable energy increased by 75% and amounted to 4.2 billion kWh. SDG 9.By the end of 2021, the number of passengers transported decreased by 3-fold compared to the period before the pandemic. The volume of transit container traffic increased by 60%. SDG 10. The growth of the minimum salary from 42.5 thous. KZT to 60 thous. KZT. Migration service centers started their operation and the principle of "one window" in the registration of labor patents was adopted. SDG 11. Over 3 years, the housing stock increased by 8.8%. The share of local roads in good working order is growing every year. The ratio of processing and disposal of solid household waste to waste production increased from 2.6% in 2016 to 21.1% in 2021. SDG 12. Introduction of the sustainable and responsible development bond market in 2020 by issuing green bonds of the Damu Entrepreneurship Development Fund on the stock market of the Astana International Financial Centre (AIX). SDG 13.The new Environmental Code was adopted; the National Project "Green Kazakhstan" is being implemented; GTC Green Technology Hub Ltd. (support of green and socially significant startups) was established. SDG 14.The Aral Sea swallowing, once the fourth largest lake in the world. The level of "water stress" in Kazakhstan exceeded 80%. Measures are being taken to save the Caspian sea. SDG15.The forest area is only 5%. The differentiated technology system for reclamation of saline soils was developed. SDG 16. The establishment of regional offices strengthened the mandate of the Human Rights Commissioner. In 2019, Kazakhstan regulated the procedure of registration of children born in healthcar.organization whose parents do not have identity documents. In 2022, the country approved concept of the Anti-Corruption Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2026. SDG 17. Partnership. The 2020 – 2030 Concept of Kazakhstan's foreign policy was approved. Central Asia Knowledge Exchange Platform on SDG was launched. Kazakhstan's Agency of International Development (KazAID) was established. The following important areas were identified for further SDGs implementation: — Further implementation of the commitments set forth in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda on Development Financing; — Continuation of the dialogue between the state, civil society, business, internationa.organizations, etc.; — Support of effective regional cooperation with Central Asian countries and other international partners.
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