Improvement of the efficiency of state support for entrepreneurship
The transformation of the state support system by transition from a “quantitative” task of supporting business to supporting efficient SMEs through the adoption of high-quality “package solutions” with the creation of a demanded infrastructure, is one of the principal tasks of the “new agenda” for entrepreneurship development. The principle of improving this area is explained by the significance of the influence of the state support instrument on the industry and the economy as a whole. The analysis carried out by the Institute for Economic Research with the support of Baiterek National Managing Holding JSC with the participation of a wide range of stakeholders, including with the involvement of narrow industry specialists, showed that with an increase in state support by 1 million tenge, the country's GDP increases by an average of 40.6 million tenge, investments in fixed assets - by 6.9 million tenge, republican budget revenues - by 6.7 million tenge. The performance of the agricultural sector is also highly dependent on the amount of subsidies to the agro-industrial complex. With an increase in the volume of subsidies by 1 million tenge, the volume of livestock production increases by an average of 2.3 million tenge, for fish - by 25.4 million tenge, for deep processing of livestock and fish products - by 8.8 million tenge and 21.6 million tenge, respectively. At the same time, the state support in Kazakhstan is provided under various programs, by different state bodies and support operators, which leads to duplication and competition of support instruments. The lack of unified coordination, monitoring, as well as accurate information on current support measures reduces the effectiveness of allocated funds. In order to improve the system of state support, it was proposed to ensure intersectoral coordination of state bodies in charge of supporting business entities, to introduce a common monitoring system and an institute for analyzing the effectiveness of support measures provided to business entities and the population with entrepreneurial initiative. The official partner of this research is Baiterek National Managing Hodling JSC, a key institution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which meets the advanced standards of corporate governance and ensures the implementation of the tasks of sustainable development of the economy of Kazakhstan by diversifying it, supporting innovation, developing exports, and increasing labor productivity.
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