The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev, in his Address voiced clear guidelines for Kazakhstan in the conditions of a new reality - the reality of the coronavirus crisis, the completion of the oil super cycle and the new conjuncture of the world market.
The President's special focus is on the development of equal competition, which is achieved in the denationalization of the economy.
"About seven thousand non-social objects are still owned by Central Government Agencies, Akimats and Holding companies. But it is already an axiom to say that the State is not the best economic manager."
The policy of denationalization and privatization has been on the Government's agenda for a long time, and certain results have been achieved. However, state-owned enterprises still demonstrate low efficiency and unprofitability. The placement of most of the holdings' funds in a non-competitive way, with a high share of intra-group purchases, negatively affects competition both in individual industries and in the entire economy.
The planned reset is necessary to re-evaluate the current policy of development and protection of competition.
"We need to deal with the so-called "monopoly players" - public and private. It is important to adopt clear rules: in what cases and in what form they are created, where the profit is spent. Strict public monitoring is required".
The implementation of the planned policy in the new realities will be handled by an independent and strong Agency for the Protection and Development of Competition with direct subordination to the President, which corresponds to the best practices of developed OECD countries.