"Green Growth" in Kazakhstan
"In the medium term, economic growth should become more "green". Therefore, the foundation for deep decarbonization should be laid right now. I instruct the Government to develop a package of proposals for "green growth" in cooperation with the scientific community and private sector. From the Address of the President to the people of Kazakhstan, September 1, 2020. On September 23, 2020, at 11: 00 a.m., an online conference on the Sustainable Development Goals "Green Growth" in Kazakhstan: Greening the Economy" will be held. The event is dedicated to the memory of social activist Saltanat Rakhimbekova, who made an invaluable contribution to the development of the "green" economy and ecology of Kazakhstan. "Natural capital of our country is huge: we are the fifth in the world in terms of pasture land area, the third in terms of land area that is not polluted by agrochemicals and GMOs... The green economy and the biodiversity economy raise the question: "What can nature do for the budget, employment, and health?" There is a huge demand for environmentally friendly products in the world, including food, fertilizers and feed, biofuels, building materials, furniture, etc. This gives us sustainable competitiveness." The words of Saltanat Temirkulovna, said in one of her last interviews, reflect the essence of the upcoming conference very accurately. Prosperity of the native land, people's health, and overall economic growth are the main guidelines of "green" economy. Kazakhstan ranks fourth among the countries by the intensity of carbon dioxide emissions. The conference will discuss topical issues of the "Mother Earth" direction. These are issues of climate change and environment, rational consumption of natural resources, which require large-scale institutional and technological changes. Current issues also include the new Environmental Code of Kazakhstan, greening jobs and sustainable growth; investing in sustainable solutions, stimulating the development of the renewable energy sector by developing additional legislative support measures, and international cooperation in combating all climate risks. Economic Research Institute JSC invited representatives of this area to create a discussion platform and subsequently an expert community, in particular among youth leaders. The event will be held in the format of an online seminar and will provide the audience with an opportunity to hear the opinions of scientists, heads of non-governmenta.organizations and public sector, international experts, economists and environmentalists, and leaders of youth associations. Greening the economy is the main topic for discussion, where ideas and initiatives will be announced in the following areas: - Peace, Justice, and Fair Institutions – involvement of civil society; - Low-carbon development strategies of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - Green growth indicators of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development for Sustainable Development Goals of Kazakhstan. Institute of Economic Research JSC serves as the Secretariat of the Coordination Council for UN SDGs. The management and experts of the Institute are aimed at reviewing and developing proposals for the formation of a unified policy on SDGs implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference will be attended by the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, UN Development Program in Kazakhstan, AIFC Green Finance Center, Association of Ecological Organizations of Kazakhstan ALE, Green Academy Research and Education Center, Expo&Women, as well as a number of other NGOs and independent speakers. The live broadcast will take place on the YouTube channel of Economic Research Institute.
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