Eurasian integration
Meeting of the Heads of government of the EAEU countries will be held in Yerevan. Delegations from the integration "five" started arriving in the Armenian capital the day before.
Economic integration is on the agenda. The Prime Ministers plan to discuss a resumption of passenger traffic in the EAEU. The key topic will also be the sanitary and epidemiological situation. Special attention will be paid to digital product labelling as well. Representatives of the Eurasian Commission note that the economic costs of introducing labelling will be justified by clear advantages for businesses and states. This will increase the competitiveness of bona fide producers and minimize gray economy. For consumers, labelling is a guarantee of the quality of delivered products. At the same time, international experts believe that digitalization is too capacious and complex process - it develops with different pace in the EAEU states. The Eurasian Economic Commission has been already implementing projects such as the "Eurasian network of industrial cooperation, subcontracting and technology transfer", "Work Without Borders" unified search system, and the formation of digital ecosystems including transport corridor ecosystems. The EEC has now started the second stage of implementing the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union which will last up to 2022.
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