75th Anniversary of the UN


Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of Kazakhstan, sent a telegram of congratulations to Antonio Guterres, the UN Secretary-General, for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.

"At this moment, states can look back with pride on the impressive path of continuous progress that the UN has made over the years. Even today, when the world is facing an unprecedented crisis in health, geopolitics and economy, the UN continues to be a beacon of hope for millions of people, especially representatives of vulnerable groups," the telegram reads.

President Tokayev expressed full support for Antonio Guterres' strategy and tireless efforts to improve the effectiveness, accountability and coherence of the UN system.

"We have a direct responsibility to preserve and protect the fundamental purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. Let me assure you of Kazakhstan's firm commitment to the actions taken by the UN to ensure a more sustainable, secure and inclusive future," Kassym-Jomart Tokayev emphasized.

In conclusion, the President of Kazakhstan wished Antonio Guterres and all the UN staff every success in all their noble endeavors.

It is worth noting, that Kazakhstan has become one of the most active participants in the UN75 global dialogue, a large-scale and open-to-all discussion aimed at improving the social, economic and climatic conditions of human life.

On October 23, an online celebration of the United Nations Day – "UN75: Common future by common efforts" - was held in commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Organization.


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