EU: issuance of Schengen visas
The European Parliament and EU Council have agreed on changes to Visa Information System (VIS), which will allow more thorough verification of the data from applicants for Schengen visas and residence permits in the EU countries, and ensure full compatibility with other databases.
The Council of the European Union and European Parliament have previously agreed on policy points of Visa Information System (VIS) reform project for issuing Schengen visas. Technical aspects shall be agreed before the end of this year. "Updated visa information system will eliminate weaknesses and provide visa authorities and border guards with access to information they need tin order to perform their work properly", EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson said, as reported by press-office of the EU Council. According to her, the revised system will contain reliable data protection measures, in particular, protection of children biometric data. In doing so, system will ensure a balance between restricting access to children biometric data and combating child trafficking. The new rules require enhanced security checks in all databases. Visa applications registered in VIS will be automatically checked through the European search portal for compliance with other EU information systems in security and migration areas. These are the Entry/Exit System (from 2022), Schengen Information System, and European Criminal Records Information System on Convicted Third Country Nationals. This cross-checking will allow to identify candidates who use multiple identity cards and identify those who pose a security risk or migration violation. Improved data and information exchange will allow border guards at external borders of the Schengen area to quickly determine whether a long-term visa or residence permit is valid and whether it is in the hands of legal owner. Compatibility of databases and electronic access to them will facilitate the removal procedure, investigation of terrorist and other crimes, identification of missing or abducted persons, and victims of human trafficking. In addition, the VIS will include page scan with biographical data of owner of the travel document. "This will facilitate return of third-country citizens who are illegally in the EU: if their travel document is invalid at the time of return to their homeland, then the document copy in the VIS can be recognized by third countries as proof of citizenship", the press service noted. Age for fingerprinting children will also be lowered from 12 to six years, and an upper age limit for biometric data will be introduced – fingerprints of people aged over 75 years will not be entered in the Visa Information System. VIS is a database that links border guards at the Union external borders with consulates of EU member states around the world. It was launched in 2015. This is the second stage of reform of the EU Common Visa Policy. It follows amendments to the Visa Code that came into force on February 2, 2020 and established a link between cooperation on readmission (re-admission of illegal migrants) and visa issuance. The next step will be to fully digitalize visa applications by 2025, including digital visa and opportunity to apply for a visa online. 15 million short-stay Schengen visas were issued in 2019. The upgraded Visa Information System shall be put into effect by the end of 2023.
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