Economic freedom level


Kazakhstan took 39th place (with the index of 69.6) among 180 countries in the Economic Freedom Ranking 2020.

The top 3 countries with the best economic freedom are opened by Singapore, Hong Kong and New Zealand. In the last positions of the rating: Somalia, Syria, Yemen. 

Among the EAEU countries, Armenia has the best indicator (34th place, 70.6 index - mostly free level); the lowest result - in Russia (index 61): the country took 94th place in the world, with a moderate level of economic freedom. 

Out of 180 economies surveyed in the 2020 edition of the report, increases in economic freedom were registered by 124 of them. Twelve are the factors related to four key-aspects of the economic environment that were graded from 0 to 100 and averaged to determine a country’s score: rule of law (property rights, government integrity, judicial effectiveness); government size (government spending, tax burden, fiscal health); regulatory efficiency (business, labor and monetary freedom); open markets (trade, investment and financial freedom). Overall, the global average score was 61.6, corresponding to a 0.8 point gain from the year before or a 1.3% increase—the highest ever recorded since the index was first published in 1995.

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Saved: 01.03.2021

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